Frequently Asked Questions

If you were unable to find an answer here in our FAQ, please click here to ask your question. Or send a text to (410) 205-9077.

Yes! The development team works out Nashville TN.

To Opt-In is to join a list. This can be done by entering a phone number into your Mobile Web App or sending a text message containing your KEYWORD to your number, (8XX-555-5555), then replying “YES” to the corresponding message. The “YES” text signifies that a customer has asked you to send them messages in the future.

We use industry standard encryption to ensure security within our systems and follow all TCPA guidelines.

We work with all major carriers across the U.S. and Canada.

An SMS message is limited to 160 characters in the U.S. and Canada. MMS messages are limited to 800 characters each. This means you can include more details to make your marketing campaigns more informational and effective. A character includes letters, numbers, spaces, symbols, and punctuation.

Yes! Our dashboard was designed to size up or down based on the smart device you are using (smartphone, smart-pad, laptop, desktop). Most of our merchants use their smartphone to create and send textALERTs.

We are always looking for people who love to meet new people and talk! If you are an extrovert who is fearless and wants to earn a great residual income, give us a call (410) 205-9077 or send an email to